January - Cedar Waxwings

Usually, January is a cold and snowy month. Not so much this year. In a way I'm a little happy as I am not currently spending time in Michigan. I would miss the snowy lakeshore and the ice on the lighthouses. It's usually the only thing that keeps me going out when it's cold, snowy and grey. Once in a while there is a lovely bright, blue-skied day and even though it's bitterly cold there are birds feeding on the sparse berries left on trees. 

One of my favourite birds to see in winter are Cedar Waxwings. They are such lovely looking birds, colourful and bright with a lovely crest that sometimes pops up over the top of their heads. Their feathers look so smooth. 

Did you know that they are called Waxwings because some of them produce waxy, bright red appendages on the tip of their wing feathers? 

Male and female Cedar Waxwings are similar in size and shape. The main difference is that males have a darker throat patch than females

Female Cedar Waxwings build the nests and incubate eggs alone, while males bring food to the females. 

They eat mostly fruits especially berries. 

If you want to attract them to your garden you should have out orange, apple, berries, mealworms, applesauce, or grape jelly (jam) or suet cakes on a platform. 

I've never seen one in my garden although when I have had on my Merlin App I have picked up their calls. I might have to try putting out some of these goodies in my garden! 

They are year-round residents of Michigan. 

The range map as per allaboutbirds.org

Orange - Breeding

Purple - Year-Round

Blue - Non-breeding

A wonderful bird to watch out for!

New Year Signaling New Beginnings

It seems to me that the beginning of a New Year is a good time to wipe the slate clean, to start new projects. There are several photography projects I want to begin this year. Don't we all have a list? I can never decide what to start first. I've decided to just jump in and start. 

One of the things on my list this year is to look back at photos I've taken in the past. I enjoy the process of taking photos and I take a lot of them. I walk almost every day when I'm in Michigan and I always take my camera with me. This means a lot of photos are taken. I shoot in RAW so to share anything it means making at least a basic edit. I seem to spend a lot of time sorting through them, but not a time actually looking at them. Sometimes I don't even like some of the photos I take and it isn't until I go back and take another look that I actually appreciate the beauty of the photograph I took. 

So, at least at the beginning of the year I'll be sharing some photos past. Why, at this time particularly? I'm not currently in Michigan, which is where I live. I'm in Minnesota for a little while awaiting the birth of my first Grandchild. Minnesota in winter is well, usually it's very snowy and very cold. It's the third coldest state after Alaska and North Dakota. I grew up in England where snowy and really, really cold days, are few and far between. I didn't learn to drive until I was thirty. I hate to drive in the snow, so I stay off the roads when I can. There's no place to walk locally as daughter lives in a small town. I'm also here to help with my new granddaughter so it's a great time to look back at old photos. 

My love is nature photography. I enjoy birds and wildlife and scenery. Anything that isn't people based. Ha ha. I'm an introvert. I find even interacting with people difficult. It makes me anxious. On the opposite side, I find being outside in nature gives me peace and solace. When life gets stressful and difficult, I get out and walk. When I walk, I take my camera. I find peace in watching birds and animals interact with one another. When I see a lovely sunrise, it makes me smile. It brings me joy. 

I'm hoping, on this blog, to bring a mix of photography and words. Perhaps stories of where I took the photo or facts about the animals and birds I photograph. It's a work-in-progress. A work of joy. 

I especially take inspiration from Edith Holden and her country diary and her nature notes. I can't draw, but I can take photographs. 

I hope you enjoy.

26th January 2023 - winter scene at Asylum Lake with a gaggle of geese on the open waters.